Pre-Trial Preparation

Witness Preparation

As it is well-known, witness presentation in a deposition or in court is often critical to the case outcome, so preparing a witness for testimony is extremely important. Jurors determine the credibility of a witness based on both the witness’s verbal and non-verbal behavior. The goal of witness preparation is to help witnesses tell the truth in a clear and confident manner. PTC consultants use video to help ascertain issues and teach witnesses. The value of video testimony lies in the emphasis of tone, volume, and non-verbal elements of communication such as mannerisms and body language. Video is utilized, especially for fact witnesses, to properly evaluate and rectify perceived issues with the witness, allowing the witness to observe strengths and weaknesses. Techniques such as behavior modification are used to enhance witnesses’ style of presentation without altering testimony content. Rest assured, PTC consultants are active members of and abide by the ethical principles put forth by the ASTC. Also, familiarizing a witness with the courtroom before trial often reduces anxiety before a witness gets on the stand.

Focus Groups

Focus groups provide an interactive setting to uncover participants’ attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, and opinions, while developing the overall case theme. The results of research will aid in directing discovery for the case, planning directions in deposition questioning, and identifying themes to test for trial. Also, opening and closing statements can be practiced and honed in this setting.

Mock Trials

Mock trials are ideal means of testing solid trial themes, assessing the impact of prepared exhibits, and practicing the presentation of your case. Participant feedback is useful for informing settlement decisions, identifying weaknesses in witness presentation, determining the effectiveness of exhibits, measuring the impact of potentially damaging evidence, and assessing the decision-making factors likely to increase or decrease damage awards.

Trial Technology

Increasingly, winning strategies in the courtroom require paramount technology support. A trial exhibit and document database prior to the start of trial is necessary for smooth exhibit presentation during trial.

PTC provides on-site courtroom technology support including providing and operating multiple laptop computers with appropriate presentation and profiling software, and a printer for the war-room. A 70” monitor with mobile stand, up to six 19” flat-screen monitors, and appropriate cables and converters are provided when the trial venue is a courtroom lacking appropriate technology.